Range now open
The range is back open - but with scattered debris and localized flooding in the usual spots. If you go to our range, take a few minutes and please assist with cleaning up the debris.
The range is back open - but with scattered debris and localized flooding in the usual spots. If you go to our range, take a few minutes and please assist with cleaning up the debris.
Please register via the FWC website and complete the online class. https://nra.yourlearningportal.com/Course/HuntersEdActivityInfoPage The gates open at 7:30 AM. The current date for the class is scheduled for Saturday, 10/19/24.
The SWAP meet- any item , gun related or not, may be bought, sold or traded. The Boy Scout troop will provide drinks and burgers. The swap meet starting time is 8am. Members are allowed to set up earlier.
On Sunday November 24, SCGAA will have a members only turkey shoot. Like last year, there will be a “family” of turkey silhouette targets, larger to small. Large (heavy) targets will be set at 100 meters on the bigbore range for centerfire iron sight lever guns. Calibers permitted, 357, 44M, 30-30, 38-55. Smaller (lighter) turkey […]
The entrance gate will be closed due to maintenance on Monday, 12/2/24. Please use the construction gate (Public Day Gate) for entrance. Thank you for your understanding.
SCGAA will be holding an American Rimfire Association (ARA) clinic on the Competition range on Sunday, December 15th. If you have not shot an ARA Target, this is a good opportunity to try one. If you have shot ARA before, this is a chance to get in some practice. Setup will start at 9 AM […]
21 DECEMBER 2024. Please show up (8:30) to help set up. Start time is 9:00am. Mini-Palma for .22 rim-fire caliber Small-Bore rifles. This match simulates shooting at 800, 900, and 1,000 yards. NRA Palma Rules apply: The match will be open to iron sights and scoped rifles. Shooters may participate firing from three categories: prone […]
NRA Approved SmallBore Rifle Match on Competition Range. This match is not shot during June, July, or August. The Small Bore Rifle Competition take place every third Saturday of the month starting at 8:30 am on the Competition Range. They are currently scheduled for 1/18/25, 2/15/25, 3/15/25, 4/19/25 and 5/17/25. TIME: 9:00 AM. Set up […]
The HighPower match on the Competition range takes place every fourth Saturday of the month. They are currently scheduled for 1/25/25, 2/22/25, 3/22/25, 4/26/25 and 5/24/25. Service Rifles January, March, April, September, November, December. Garand or Service Rifle Match in February, May, October. This match is not shot during June, July, or August. Setup starts […]
Action Pistol is at the Special Use Range and it takes place every fourth Saturday of the month. It is currently scheduled for 1/25/25, 2/22/25, 3/22/25, 4/26/25 and 5/24/25.